
Tips for Healthy Skin During Winter

Moisturizer Skincare Tips

Tips for Healthy Skin During Winter

Dry air and temperature extremes during winter can turn your skin situation into a dehydration emergency. Moisturize with these hydration tips and boosters that work for any skin type. TOP TIPS FOR HEALTHY WINTER SKIN The winter months can be dry and tough on skin, so follow these tips to make sure your skin stays healthy, and don't forget to moisturize! Switch to a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser that nourishes Add healthy fats into your diet like avocados Keep using SPF Don't overuse oils just because your skin may be more dry than usual Avoid showering and hand washing with super...

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3 Photos That Will Make You Start Wearing Sunscreen


3 Photos That Will Make You Start Wearing Sunscreen

If you think UV damage isn't happening to your skin every time you step outside, here are a few photos of the silent damage the sun can do over time that will convince you to grab the nearest bottle of sunscreen.  UV PHOTOS With sun damage, it's all about what you can't see. On the left is the face of a woman with generally youthful, healthy skin. At first glance you wouldn't think she had any significant damage at all, but for those of us who see skin cancer patients regularly we know that appearances can be quite deceiving. When this...

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Why does good skincare usually cost more? It's not why you'd think.

Skincare Tips

Why does good skincare usually cost more? It's not why you'd think.

For anyone on a skincare budget, it can be frustrating to think that you might be throwing money away on products that aren't providing you with the best results. Here's how to tell when that higher price point is worth it, when it's ok to swap your products for budget-friendly options, and how to get the most out of your products regardless of cost. Before we explain the best skincare investment recommendations, it's important to point out what makes a skincare product more or less expensive than their counterparts, and why. If you are comparing two products that claim to have the same...

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Does it matter how you layer your skincare products?

Does it matter how you layer your skincare products?

Yes! But why (and how) you layer is a precise art that many of us get wrong. Layering your products the right way not only keeps you from wasting money and product—it also helps them work to their maximum potency. Here's how to layer products perfectly each morning. Step 1: Cleanse Cleansing is step one of any skincare routine. Just make sure you get the right cleanser for your skin. We talk about how to pick out the right cleanser for yourself in this blog, and you don't need to break the bank for this step. Just make sure you aren't putting irritating...

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Rituals vs. Routines: making your skin an enjoyable priority

Skincare Tips

Rituals vs. Routines: making your skin an enjoyable priority

Ever been wiped out at the end of a long evening and washing your face was the last thing on your mind? Or do you simply struggle with remembering to get a facial on a consistent basis? Here are a few steps that will help even the most forgetful when trying to take adequate care of their skin.  1. Make Your Home Skincare Area Appealing When your vanity is cluttered with other items that belong in the medicine cabinet or the lighting is just not great, it can make it difficult to get comfortable there for a few minutes each day. Try...

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