Blog — acne
When Acne & Wrinkles Collide

It sounds like a cruel joke, but the number of people dealing with adult acne and the signs of aging has been on the rise lately. We know, it’s completely unfair, but luckily there are ways to get rid of acne for good in ways that don’t dry out your skin even more and worsen the lines and wrinkles you’re trying to defeat. We’re going to squash the rumor here and now: acne is not just a teenage problem. In fact, as I write this I’m dealing with a breakout on my chin, and I’m in my 40’s. There are so many reasons acne can occur...
Ingredient Spotlight: Benzoyl Peroxide

If you have dealt with acne at any point in your life, you’re probably familiar with what benzoyl peroxide is. And we’re not talking about the errant pimple every few months that comes and goes relatively quickly. We’re talking about persistent breakouts that continue for an extended period of time, with painfully red blemishes that leave behind lifelong scars. Benzoyl peroxide is often a first step people suffering with acne take in an effort to get their skin under control. And for many, it works wonders. Benzoyl peroxide is an anti-inflammatory bleaching agent that has been used for decades as...
How To Cover Your Acne Without Making It Worse

Acne can be a frustrating and embarrassing skin condition that affects almost all of us at some point in our lives. While there are many treatments available to help clear up acne, sometimes you just need to cover it up until it goes away and go on with your daily life. But if you're not careful, using the wrong products to cover up acne can actually make your breakouts worse. So, what are the best ways to cover up acne that won't cause more breakouts? Here are some tips: Use a lightweight, oil-free foundation or concealer. Heavy, oil-based makeup can clog pores and...
An acne face map? Here's what your acne-prone areas mean.

Whether you’re prone to getting acne or not, you may notice that there are areas that break out more than others. While acne treatment plans are generally similar for everyone, treating the underlying cause is where a little extra attention is beneficial. Once you’ve treated your active breakouts, here’s how to narrow down the causes to avoid more in the future. CHIN & JAWLINEThis is one of the most common places for acne because it’s usually the result of something we all have to experience whether we like it or not: hormonal changes. They’re unavoidable, so if you notice zits...
Think acne is just for teens? Think again.

People of all ages can suffer from acne. But what causes it, and what can you do to get rid of this annoying skin issue for good? When many of us think of acne, we imagine it to be a teenage hormonal issue, or worse, an indicator of poor hygiene. While it is true that hormones play a role in kids and young adults who are struggling to get their complexion under control, severe acne is neither a sign of poor hygiene nor exclusive to teenagers. In fact, we have even treated patients that were trying to fight wrinkles and acne at...